Haru Sameshima
- -for John Parker CAUSE AND EFFECT images
Jim Barr
- -for the Avondale Market antler portrait and the mug shot for CAUSE AND EFFECT
Grant Hudson
- -for some early ceramic stuff
John McDermott
Russell McMahon
- -for some ART ON THE BEACH
Stewart Macpherson
Andrew Malmo
- -for some theatre and ceramic pix
Steve Marshall
- -the ceramics storyboards
Krzystof Pfeiffer
- -for all of the museum exhibitions
Tony Rabbit
Peter Shaw
- -for the Vortex Ware Show
Ross Skiffington
- -for some early ceramic stuff
Lesley Smith
- -for some ART ON THE BEACH
Paxton Sneddon
- -for ceramics storyboards
Ces Thomas
- -for some archival ceramics
Howard Williams
- -for most of the ceramics- archival etc
Apologies if I have left you out. Email me on and I will do the amending